Proud Supporter of Rochester Christian School

RCS Roof Replacement Project Completed.
Thank You Donors!
With winter weather upon us, we'd like to once again thank all of our generous donors for providing the funds to replace the roof on the school building. We are also grateful to our volunteer leaders who shared their time and talents to make this endeavor possible.
Click here to read more about this amazing RCS and RCSF community effort.​​

​With gratitude,
Your RCSF Board of Directors
Greg Chambery, President | Ronald Van Harken, Vice President
Tony LaPolla, Secretary | Gail Barbour, Finance Manager & RCS Liaison
Jeff Machiele, Financial Advisor | Neil Cieminis, General Advisor
Cindy Kearns, Staff Communications Director
RCSF Annual Golf Tournament

Join Us!
Monday, June 23, 2025
at Webster Golf Club
We are excited to once again host the
RCS Foundation Annual Golf Tournament.
Thank you to Our Generous 2024 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Astifan
Ms. Mariane Bafile
Ms. Gail Barbour
Ms. Rebecca Bivone
Ms. Sharon Bloemendaal
Mr. & Mrs. William Bogertman
Mr. & Mrs. Egbert Bouwmeester
Mr. Leonard Bower
Mr. & Mrs. Harley Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Braband
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Casciani
Mr. & Mrs. Brook Chambery
Mr. Dale Chambery
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Chambery
Ms. Judith Chambery
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Chambery
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Chambery
Mr. & Mrs. Kornelijus Cieminis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cok
Ms. Margaret Colucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Cook
Mr. Kevin Cooman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Croucher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dear
Mr. & Mrs. John Dobbenga
Mr. T. Burt Dowden
Ms. Janet Duemmel
Ms. Jan Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Frelier
Mr. Donald Frelier
Ms. JoAnne Frelier
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frelier
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Frelier
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Gause
Ms Janice Giardino
Ms. Virginia Greenland
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harding
Ms. Thea Hare
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hovey
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hutt
Mr. Bernard H. Huussen
Mr. & Mrs. Jan R. Huussen
Miriam Jacobs
Ms. Marianne Kepler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Klanderman
Mr. & Mrs. David Klanderman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Klein
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Klossner
Mr. and Mrs. Yuriy Konyk
Ms. Emma Kuipers-Butenas
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony LaPolla
Mr. James Leunk & Ms. Mary Steensma
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Little
Mr. & Mrs. David Lubberts
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lucci
Mr. & Mrs. Delwyn Machiele
Mr. & Dr. Jeffrey Machiele
Ms. Ruth Machiele
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McClurg
Estate of Bernice McGovern
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McMillan
Merck Co. Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Michael
Ms. Lucille Muench
Ms Suzanne Muench
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Nienhuis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nykamp
Mr. & Mrs. David Offringa
Ms. Joyce Ostberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Pater
Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Porte
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Porte
Mr. & Mrs. William Ryckbost
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schumacher
Rev. & Mrs. Anthony Selvaggio
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Stata
Mr. Nathan Steensma
Ms. Hermien Terpstra
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thiele
Mr. David Titus
Ms. Rena Tolsma
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Torrell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tschorke
Mr. & Mrs. William Van Der Woude
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Van Harken
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vanden Bout
Ms. Eunice Vanderlaan
Drs. Robert Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Zandstra
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